Alla inlägg av oskarkallner

Sweconpoddar 99 – Guest of honor interview with Charlie Jane Anders

Guest of honor interview with Charlie Jane Anders at Swecon 2019 – Replicon in Västerås Sweden

The interviewer is Anna Bark Persson

The music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Sweconpoddar 98 – Opening ceremony

Opening ceremony with an introduction of the Guests of Honor, and a discussion concerning: ”How can science fiction literature help us find a better future.”

This was recorded at Swecon 2019 – Replicon in Västerås Sweden

Participants: Annalee Newitz, Charlie Jane Anders, Gunilla Jonsson, Michael Petersén, and Håkan Wester (moderator)

The music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Sweconpoddar 97 – Convention School part 2: Economy

Are you planning your own con, or just interested in how they are organized? Attend the ”Convention School” and listen to experienced conrunners. Second lesson: Economy. How much does it cost to run a convention: renting a convention venue, paying for the travel for the guests of honor, other foreseen and unforeseen costs? How much can you expect to get from selling memberships? How to get sponsored by the city, region or companies? How to handle the money, providing suitable payment options, keeping the stash safe. How to make your first budget and keep control of it. How do you know if your planned convention is a ”go” or ”no go”? Top best tips for keeping costs down and making a great con.

This panel was recorded at Swecon 2019 – Replicon in Västerås Sweden

Participants: Tomas Cronholm, Jukka Halme, Johan Anglemark, Britt-Louise Viklund (moderator)

The music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Sweconpoddar 96 – Female Masculinity in SF with Anna Bark Persson

The sf-genre is filled with examples of the ”tough chick” heroine, perfectly balanced between femininity and masculinity, who kicks butt and shoots guns while still being hot. But what happens when these female heroes are portrayed as queer and masculine, as in the case of Chris Moriarty’s Spin trilogy and Kameron Hurley’s The Bel Dame Apocrypha?

This lecture was recorded at Swecon 2019 – Replicon in Västerås Sweden

Participant: Anna Bark Persson

The music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Sweconpoddar 95 – Game of Thrones – Westeros

The panel discusses Game of Thrones in many inspired aspects that could include: the TV-series vs the books. the Game of Thrones popularity and phenomenon, what has been the most interesting, most genius, and most disappointing moments in experiencing the Game of Thrones? What are the expections on how the relation to GoT will evolve from now on? Spoiler alert!

This panel was recorded at Swecon 2019 – Replicon in Västerås Sweden

Participants: Kij Johnson, Ian Watson, Mike Carey, Rhuddem Gwelin, Sari Polvinen, Stefan Nordin (moderator)

The music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Sweconpoddar 94 – Guest of honor interview with Annalee Newitz at Swecon 2019

Guest of honor interview with Annalee Newitz at Swecon 2019 – Replicon in Västerås Sweden

The interviewer is Kisu Leikomaa

The music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Sweconpoddar 93 – Stories based on a classic story

Why is it popular to write adaptations of a classic? Why and how do you choose a story to adapt?

Participants: Kij Johnson, Ian Watson, Mike Carey, Rhuddem Gwelin, Sari Polvinen (moderator)

The music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Sweconpoddar 92 – Boktips – svensk fantastik

”Det sjuder i Fantastiksverige” utbrister Anna Jakobsson Lund och Eva Holmquist i inledningen till antologin Bortom portalen 2 som kom ut tidigare i år. Böcker inom fantastikområdet av svenska författare publiceras i snabb takt och med stor bredd, och många små och stora förlag är aktiva. Hur ska läsare kunna välja? Vilka böcker kan rekommenderas till den som vill ut i rymden, läsa spekulationer om framtida teknik, drömma om troll eller älvor eller kanske bli mysigt skrämd av en varulv?

Medverkande: Lovisa Wistrand, Love Kölle, Markus Sköld, Ewa Broberg, Thomas Årnfelt, Patrik Schylström (moderator)

Musiken är från Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 31

Sweconpoddar 91 – Ve och fasa – svensk skräck idag

Det händer mycket inom svensk skräck idag. Det publiceras böcker, produceras film och tv-serier. Varför är skräck populärt  just nu och vad kännetecknar svensk skräck?

Medverkande: Markus Sköld, Michael Petersen, Gunilla Jonsson, Kristina Suomela, Erik Odeldahl (moderator)

Musiken är från Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 31

Sweconpoddar 90 – När vetenskap blir skräck

Det finns en speciell grupp av skräckentusiaster som älskar att se mörkt på framtiden. När andra ser artificiell intelligens som fantastiska framsteg ser vi istället Terminator. När permafrosten är på väg att smälta oroar vi oss så klart för den globala uppvärmningen men tänker ändå mest på vad som kan finnas dolt i isen. Vi ser helt enkelt skräckscenarior i det mesta. Frågan är, hur rätt har vi i vår oro? Låt Emmelie Pettersén Uggla guida dig genom den vetenskapligt grundade skräckgenren sci-fi horror och visa på hur rätt vi har haft.

Talare: E.P Uggla

Musiken är från Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 3