månadsarkiv: september 2022

Sweconpoddar 120 – Hilarious weapons

Talking about crazy, funny and odd weapons in literature and reality. Examples or anecdotes on how they were used, or could not be used. There are pictures here!

This panel was recorded at Swecon 2021 – Fantastika i Stockholm, Sweden

The participants are: Elin Säfström (moderator), Martin Rundkvist, Tobias Bodlund, Thomas Årnfelt, Anders Blixt

The Music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 31

Sweconpoddar 119 – Maiming kids for fun and profit

Why are evil kids so frightening and why is it so horrible when kids are mistreated?
Is it because children represent the future? Does it matter if the reader is a parent? What makes a story containing kids especially horrible?

This panel was recorded at Swecon 2021 – Fantastika i Stockholm, Sweden

The participants are: Patrik Schylström (moderator), Mats Strandberg, Pål Eggert, Peadar Ó Guilín, Boel Bermann

The Music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 31

Sweconpoddar 117 – To be a European SF&F writer

The panel discuss the diffences and challenges for Science Fiction and Fantasy writers in Europe.

This panel was recorded at Swecon 2021 – Fantastika i Stockholm, Sweden

The participants are: Elin Holmerin (moderator), Peadar Ó Guilín, Eva Holmquist, Jane Mondrup

The Music is from Sands Of Time (Psychadelik Pedestrian) / CC BY-NC 31