How have the role of AI and robots changed in sf over time? Which are the best, worst or most interesting depictions, and why? What aspects have been considered or missed?
This panel was recorded at Swecon 2015 – Confuse in Linköping – Sweden.
Participants: Patrik Centerwall (mod), Madeline Ashby, Tommy Persson, Oskar Källner, Thomas Padron-McCarthy
Panel discussion on the Hugo-nominated novels. Quality? Which one deserves to win and why? The nominations this year have been intensely discussed since two groups calling themselves the Sad Puppies and the Rabid Puppies have succeeded in obtaining many nominations by telling people to nominate from a prepared list. The panel will discuss all the nominated novels and also which novels they think would have been nominated without this procedure. How might “Puppygate” change the future of the Hugo award?
This panel was recorded at Swecon 2015 – Confuse in Linköping – Sweden.
Participants: Marianna Leikomaa (mod), Jukka Halme, Kjartan Lindøe, Flemming Rasch, Tommy Persson
Conventions today and tomorrow (an hour of navel-gazing)
SF conventions in Sweden are continuously developing. New young fans arrive. The panel will discuss how the conventions are changing. What is expected from programme items and activities today? Has a Fan Guest of Honour any function today? Do we need a convention booklet? What is the role of the bar? Do we long for the banquet? How will and should the conventions develop? How are they influenced by the fact that many new authors are present and want to market themselves and their books? What is done abroad that is worth testing here? Are there any conclusions from Archipelacon?
This panel was recorded at Swecon 2015 – Confuse in Linköping – Sweden.
Participants: Saija Kyllönen, Anna Davour, Johan Anglemark, Eva Holmquist, Fia Karlsson and moderated by Karl-Johan Norén.